Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boy Meets World

"I Dare You Move"(Switchfoot)The other day during a ride to church my friends began debating about the presidential election.Well I can't really call it a debate more like ignorant gibberish but that is besides the fact.While they were ignorantly babbling I began to hear things that I knew were not true but if I was to take part of this debate I would not have the artillery for this fight.Realizing that I was not properly prepare for this debate due to not paying attention to the presidential election I did not speak.I began regretting not being involve in the election and with my thoughts which always seem to evolve into something more colossal than it already is.I began pondering on a plethora(love that word)of experiences of my life that I could have been more involve in.I could have been involve in a bundle of groups,organizations,and sport teams but I did not take the opportunity.If I was able to send one message to myself in the past it would only be three words "Be More Involve".Unfortunately the technology of this age does not stay up to date with the technology of my mind and I cannot change my past but I can definitely learn from my past to better my future.I recall a Boy Meets World's episode during their high school graduation.Topanga was valedictorian and as most valedictorians do she was suppose to begin her speech.Instead of Topanga giving the speech she left the honor to her friend Shawn Hunter.Shawn Hunter basically describe how he did not push himself well enough to do his best in school.The words that stuck with me was his last words which was "I could've done better congratulations to those who did".Now the Shawn Hunter scenario does not really apply to the being involve in a precise way but in my peculiar mind there is a small piece of string that connects the two.In my past being more involve could've benefit me in a plethora of ways that could of shape me into a more better man than I am today.Knowing that I could've done better and could've been more involve builds a knot of remorse and regret but I also know that I can only reread the pages of my life and cannot edit them in any way.I Already know what I must do.I must dare myself to move into every opportunity that happens to create fork in my path and experience all that I can experience. My thanks to Shawn Hunter though he is only a fictional character those words contain power to influence one's mind and has definitely influence my.

Shawn Hunter I also could've done better and I also could've been more involve.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Above The Influence

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."(Abraham Lincoln)The other day I stayed afterschool to participate in a afterschool club. A few coherts and I were speaking about how our relationships were progressing and if it is not apparent to you my girlfriend is of the caucasian complexion.In the midst of our converstation a female of my complexion overheard the red hair comment about my girlfriend and asked me if i was black.The question did not really seem to hit me until I ponder upon it later and asked myself what does it mean to be black.Is there a way to be black or is it just the pigment of your skin?As I thought about this whole fiasco I constructed a plan to actually find out what it means to be black.The following day I went around my school and asked several of my friends "what does it mean to be black?"."Surprisedly" everyone that I asked that question to was completely dumbfounded and found theirself not able to submit an answer to me except one.A male of my pigment answered the question with this "It's just the color of your skin".I believe he is right and that was the answer I was looking for.Skin color does not define who you are, who you are as a person defines who you are.Do not let anyone tell you different.I may not be the stero-typical black male but that does not mean I am not black.I have come to look at it as being above the influence.Which does not mean that if you are a part of the influence that it is nessacary a horrible thing.I am just saying that Perry Jay Appolon is different.Those who believe the color of your skin defines who you are or who you are suppose be are ignorant.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way."-Tales Of Two Cities(Charles Dickens) These past few weeks have all been weeks that blogging would have been convenient for me to vent but due to the deficiency of internet access and the lack of sleep I was able to obtain I have not been able to.I begin to see that life is similar to rollercoasters it has it's high and it's low.The first week was definitely Shreika my life took an almost 90 degree angle drop and it appear from nowhere.I remember every exact detail of that night and all the emotions that erupted from the dormant volcano.The anger,worry and the fastest heartbeat that exceeded any drummer on a drumline and was visible to the human eye from a distance.That night will forever be imprinted to my mind.After that drop the ride began to escalate but then took another devasting fall.A vital piece of information was brought to mind which cause a substantial amount of internal pain.Pain that I would like to evade but was unable to do due to the source of the pain also being the source to my happiness. Similar to Edward situation with Bella his love for her made it impossible for him to live without her even through all the pain she cause him with the scent of her blood.It was better to live with her through the pain then to live without her without pain.Which is exactly the type of situation that I have unearth myself from.Maybe in the distant future I will become immune to this pain but as for now I will manage.The feeling that humans gain from a rollercoaster when they believe that worst has already past is awesome a feeling of achievment that you survive it without a yellow trail going down your pants.That feeling is awesome until that it is brought to your attention that the worst is nowhere close to being concluded and you find yourself falling an actual 90 degree angle with horrific twirls as it speed towards the bottomless pit that seems like it never ends.Life comes at you fast but I have come to the realization that you will always reach the apex again.One of the few things that I recalled from chemistry is potential and kinetic energy.At the apex of the rollercoaster potential energy is abundant and the rollercoaster drops and it then runs on kinetic energy.That's where my rollercoaster is at the current moment but always realize that the amount of that kinetic energy will always be bountiful enough for it to reach the top again.So even through the worst of times I have an optimistic point of view that things will always become better no matter what the situation so Shreika could inhale profusely on that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nation Wide Is By Your Side

Our age is retrospective.(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
With the setting of my adolescence years and with my adulthood years on the brink of dawn.I have come to a realization that the streetlight does not stay red forever and pretty soon I will have to choose a path for me to take.The thought of the streetlight changing delivers an anixous,uneasy feeling yet at the same time it leisurely builds ambition to a cause that is at the time unknown to me.Though I have many goals in life, the pursuit of a few of the goals will interfere with the pursuit of others, while the pursuit of all goals will give me the title "Jack of All Trades,Master of None".Therefore, in order for me to draw forth my full potential in a specific area a decision must be decided before the changing of the streetlight.The path that I shall choose is still beyond my knowledge though I do have a peculiar interest in writing and literature and I am infatuated with expressing my thoughts to instrumentals.What arouse these in my mind was an essay I read today in Mr.Foley's class written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.Though what Emerson wrote in the essay doesn't correlate completely with these thoughts the essay became a wakeup call to me.Life comes at you fast.Live to reach your full potential because Nation Wide cannot bring you back.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Great Debaters

"Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you. I'd been broken beyond repair."— Stephenie Meyer (New Moon)
The word splendiferous seems so far from the perfect word that would described today.It wasn't till a certain phone call that I received, that an inconceivable feeling was beginning to take life in my stomach.The fetus withhold from growth till a certain someone and I stumble on a debate on Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.Earlier on I fabricated a story that commenced with a Quileute woman who was raped by vampire and was conceive with a child being half-human and half-vampire with the Quileute blood running through it.At the instance of the creation the Hybrid would be able to phase into a werewolf due to the presence of vampire being near which would come from itself.It would then continue through the birthing process and tear through mother stomach.A scenario was created that if the hybrid was stab in the heart it would undergo an instant transformation to a full vampire.Now if the Hybrid were to have intercourse with a human and impregnate another women,would the Quileute blood still be pass down to the kid or would line stop at the hybrid.
We both had separate opinions with valid points.We debated as if our lives depended on it and continue with no fear as if our legs connected straight to our toes skipping our achillies heel.The debate wasn't what fed the fetus to begin growing,what satisfied the fetus was that it was fed by the appearance of a serious relationship.Not only the appearance of a serious relationship but the personality and foundation of one.In one where your heartbeat would shift and you could obtain a drive and speed that had the capability of keeping up with the speed of light.Where the speed is to fast and you begin to gain fear of those emotions and begin to think that those emotions could not possibly exist and if by chance they did that they would not appear so early in life.
To get a drive off of just a debate is absurd and there of course would be the possiblity of exceding your current speed with something more exhilarating.If you are able to acquire this feeling from just a debate then there is only one possible answer to it........
You possibly have the Quileute blood running through your veins and have become imprinted.So I guess that makes me a Werewolf...